Bankahrunið nær EVE Online

Síðasti Íslenski bankinn fallinn Crying

EBank, EVE's largest player-run financial institution which has thousands of depositors, is at the center of the scandal.

"Basically this character was one of the people that had been running EBank for a while. He took a bunch of (virtual) money out of the bank, and traded it away for real money," said Ned Coker, of the Icelandic company CCP, which developed the game.

The CEO of EBank, a 27-year-old Australian tech worker who identified himself only as Richard and used the online name Ricdic, embezzled about 200 billion interstellar kredits, the game's virtual currency.

He broke the rules of the game by exchanging the stolen virtual funds for $6,300 Australian ($5,100) with players who preferred to buy virtual money rather than earn it playing the game.

"It was a very on the spot decision," the married father of two explained in an interview.

He said a spam email for a black market website that traded online money for real cash popped up on his screen, prompting him to exchange the virtual cash for real money to cover a deposit on his house and expenses related to his son's medical problems.

"I saw that as an avenue that could be taken, and I decided to skim off the top, you could say, to overcome real life (difficulties)."

Word of the theft spread quickly within EVE. Panicked customers started a run on the bank, worried that they would lose the money they had amassed by hunting space pirates or mining asteroids.

Ironically, if Ricdic had merely stolen the online money he could have stayed in the game. But exchanging the virtual cash for real dollars broke the rules and CCP banned Richard's EBank accounts.

"It unbalances the game," Coker said.

Dauði hlutlausrar blaðamennsku á

Af heimasíðu Ubuntu Linux (
"Ubuntu is a community developed, Linux-based operating system that is perfect for laptops, desktops and servers. It contains all the applications you need - a web browser, presentation, document and spreadsheet software, instant messaging and much more. "
Hummm, þannig að á Ubuntu Linux er sjálfsagt að vafrari fylgi með en á Microsoft stýrikerfi er það versti dónaskapur?
"The Safari web browser included with Mac OS X features ...."
Aha! OS-X kemur líka með vafrara innbyggðum!!  Úps?
Motto dagsins: Kastið ekki steinum úr glerhúsi. Segja Microsoft ekki ganga nógu langt
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Icelandic Politics

To clarify the political situation for my non-Icelandic friends who keep asking me "What's up with Iceland?", I've put together a short list of the current political parties and a summary of what it looks like each of them stands for.

 I've been living abroad for some years now so some of the names may not be 100% accurate.

Ósjálfstæðisflokkurinn - X-Douh!
The name says it all - main agenda seems to be already accomplished after 12 years at the wheel.
Yes, of course it was a pure coincidence that those companies "donated" 45 millions right before they magically got their problems sorted out through political pressure.  Why would anyone connect the two?... Honestly?
See The Legend of Robbin' Hood.

Brandarahreyfingin - X -Ha
Seriously - who believes you're going to disband the party once you reach your political goals?  I did however like the guy on TV that said "Hanging on to the Icelandic Krona as a currency today is like owning a summer cottage in Chernobyl", he's getting my vote.
You had me at Chernobyl!

Skammfylkingin - X-Ess
Not really sure about this one - seems to be some sort of extremist middle party with an identity crisis that had gotten tired of being in the opposition and grabbed the chance at the last election to abandon their political principles in exchange for a couple of seats on the government.
They've somehow managed to dodge all the blame and association with the current crisis, even if they were a part of the last government.
Lie down with dogs - You get fleas

Skrílræðishreyfingin - X - Á
Mr. Crazypants himself leads the celebration but there are a couple of indians missing from the canoe - You don't want to meet those eyes in a dark alley late at night.
Has everyone really forgotten the SMS scam from a few years back where an attempt was made to trick people into donating money?
I'm not a crook - Richard Nixon

Vinstri Glærir - X - Ææ
Has probably the only political leader in Iceland that still has a general vote of confidence from the nation.  I never did like him as a sports reporter though, too much focus on fringe sports.....we want football, goddammit not horse riding and ice skating!  Vote for them if you don't like strippers.
Me love you long time - Full Metal Jacket

Farsóttarflokkuinn - X-Bee
Yet another party with an identity crisis - all the farmers moved to Reykjavik and became bankers.
Also got substantial amounts of 'donations' from companies which needed favours.  It's also a complete coincidence that said favours were delivered shortly afterwards.
Also spent 12 years in government until they were backstabbed after the last elections, which was probably their biggest political break in retrospect as nobody now seems to blame them for the current crisis.
Money, Money, money....must be the rich man's world - ABBA

Er að Vista - ekki Vista

Áhugavert próf sem var gert á viðhorfi fólks til Vista þegar það vissi ekki hvaða stýrikerfi það var að nota, sýnir hvernig fyrirfram ákveðnir fordómar lita álit fólks.

Wikipedia hefur hinsvegar skiptar skoðanir á því hversu áreiðanlegt þetta sé.

Boðskapurinn er hins vegar einfaldlega að þú ert líklegri til að sjá það sem þú býst við en það sem þú veist ekki af.

Cray CX keyrir Windows.... það ekki bara Mainframe sem er notað til að reikna út hveru margar kjarnorkusprengjur þarf til að eyða öllu lífi á jörðinni?

Vissulega... en nú er Microsoft komið inn á mainframe markaðinn með Windows HPC LoL

"Windows HPC Server 2008, in combination with the Cray CX1 supercomputer, will provide outstanding sustained performance on applications," said Vince Mendillo, director, HPC at Microsoft Corp. "This combined solution will enable companies in various sectors to unify their Windows desktop and server workflows. Many Microsoft financial services customers, for example, want to unify back-office modeling and simulation with the work of front-office trading desks."


Meira að segja erkióvinurinn Sun er nú einnig farið að bjóða upp á X64 Windows netþjóna....

"I'm very excited Sun is becoming a Windows Server OEM," Microsoft's vice president of server and tools marketing Andy Lees said during a Wednesday press conference. "The Sun hardware platform [provides] an excellent, solid footing for Windows computing."


Öryggishola í Windows stýrikerfum Microsoft Security Bulletin MS08-067 – Critical --- Vulnerability in Server Service Could Allow Remote Code Execution (958644)

Q958644 er skilgreind sem krítísk, mælt er með að uppfærslunni sé rúllað út á allar vélar tafarlaust.  Skiptir þá ekki máli hvort um netþjóna eða  útstöðvar er að ræða.

Ekki er vitað um neinn orm sem nýtir sér þessa holu enn sem komið er en væntanlega er það bara spurning um tíma áður en e-h slíkur er settur í umferð.

Óuppfærð vél getur átt í hættu að vera yfirtekin af 3ja aðila án þess að þurfa neinn sérstakan aðgang inn á vélina.

Vélar á bakvið eldvegg sem blokkerar beina umferð af Internetinu inn á Server þjónustuna eru ekki í hættu, en reynslan hefur sýnt að yfirleitt eru það ferðavélar sem sýkjast fyrir utan staðarnetið og dreifa síðan óværunni þegar komið er með þær aftur inn.

Sjá einnig link á blogg síðum Trend Micro um þetta.

Microsoft urgent security update for October 2008

MS08-067: Vulnerability in Server service could allow remote code execution

MS08-067 and the SDL

10 ástæður til að keyra Vista

#1-10 Þú getur keyrt það á iMac :D


10 ástæður til að eignast iMac

#1-10 iMac getur keyrt Vista 

Leopard is the world’s most advanced operating system. So advanced, it even lets you run Windows if there’s a PC application you need to use.”

Ekki jafnfljótir að lækka og að hækka

Er ekki merkilegt hvað olíufélögin eru fljót að bregðast við hækkunum á hráolíu með hækkuðu bensínverði?

Á sama tíma eru þau ekki jafnfljót að bregðast við lækkuðu hráolíuverði.  Ástæðan er alltaf sú ótrúlega tilviljun að þau eru nýbúin að kaupa inn stóran lager af olíu á gamla verðinu og geta þ.a.l. ekki lækkað fyrr en eftir nokkra mánuði þegar allir eru búnir að gleyma síðustu hækkun.

Greyið olíufélögin, rosalega eru þau alltaf óheppin.

Fyrir land rafmagnsins, Ísland, mæli ég með þessari síðu: Olís lækkaði eldsneyti á ný
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt

Svíaríki en ekki Svíþjóð

 Myanmar, Burma, Rhodesia, Zimbabwe....hljómar kunnuglega, ekki satt?

Svíþjóð er afmarkað svæði í norðurhluta landsins, skv. því er hvorki Gautaborg, Malmö né Stokkhólmur í Svíþjóð.  Í Svíþjóð bjuggu Svearnir, Gautaborg er í Vestur-Gautlandi og Stokkhólmur í Austur-Gautlandi.  Malmö er svo nátturulega í Austur-Danmörku en það er önnur saga....

Svíþjóð hefur a.m.k. ekki verið notað af Svíum sem nafn á landinu síðan 1296, ef fréttamenn geta breytt úr Búrma yfir í Myanmar án þess að blikna ætti ekki að vera mikið mál að hætta að nota Svíþjóð og byrja að nota Svíaríki.

Ekkert hinna norðurlandanna notar Sviþjóð eða Svithjod í fréttaflutningi frá Svíaríki Grin

Var låg Svithjod?
Svithjod motsvarade troligen folklanden norr om Mälaren, nuvarande Uppland och delar av Västmanland. Svearna bodde i Svithjod. Byarna ingick i skeppslag. Skeppslagen styrdes från Husabyn eller Husbyn (kallades senare Kungsgården, och till husabyn sammankallades skeppslagens "hund" (100 man och fyra stridssnäckor från varje hundare) till ledung. På husabyn fanns en bryte, en sorts fogde som ansvarade för sitt område inför drotten/kungen. Brytarna kunde ha olika rang, t ex rodens bryte, jarls bryte, kungs bryte. Enligt Adam av Bremen skall man ha rest långväga för att närvara vid bloten vid Uppsala tempel.

När försvann Svithjod som begrepp?
Lagmannen i Tiundaland, Birger Persson till Finsta sammanställde med tolv medhjälpare lagarna från de tre folklanden, skrev Upplandslagen, vilken tingslystes år 1296. Då bildade Uppland en ny landsaga som ersatte folklanden. Möjligen blev då Svitjod undan för undan Svearike, som kanske under unionstiden börjar sägas på danska, Sverige.

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