Færsluflokkur: Stjórnmál og samfélag

Sænskukennsla 101

Ef blaðamenn MBL.is hafa ekki gert sér grein fyrir því nú þegar þá er því hér með komið á framfæri að Expressen tilheyrir Gulu Pressunni í Svíþjóð og ekki almennt flokkað sem neitt voðalega nákvæmir með sannleikann þegar þarf að velja á milli fyrirsagna sem selja eða ekki selja blað dagsins.

Í Sænsku slangri eru þessir tveir miðlar almennt kallaðir "Aftonhoran" og "Sexpressen".

S.s. allur sannleikurinn er að MM sá af tilviljun AL fyrir utan NK og elti hana inn - ekki að hann hafi fyrirfram verið búinn að ákveða AL sem skotmark áður en hann sá hana heldur af því að hún var þekktur stjórnmálamaður sem varð á vegi hans.

 ...ekki minna tragískt fyrir því sama hvernig á það er litið Frown


– Jag tänkte: ”Nu fick jag syn på en politiker. De ska liksom… de ska få se nu”. Jag levde på a-kassa, sjukbidrag, hade låg ersättning och ingen utbildning. Ingen framtid. Jag var en människa utan jobb, utan bil, utan vänner, utan chans, säger han.

MM er fæddur og uppalinn í Svíþjóð og Sænskur ríkisborgari, innflytjandi af annarri kynslóð.

.... Anders Behring Breivik er Norðmaður í húð og hár - þeir sem skrifa hræðsluáróður um MM og landvistarleyfi í sömu setningu ættu að bera það saman við ABB og hans innflytjendaviðhorf og spyrja sig hvort sé meira sjúkt.

Fyrir öfgamenn eru allar lausnir sem byggja á einhverju öðru en þeirra viðhorfi óásættanlegar.

mbl.is Ætlaði að ráðast á Önnu Lindh
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt

How to solve Icelands economic problems in 3 easy steps

Step 1: Iceland goes the same way as Argentina and defaults on foreign loan repayments and declares itself banktrupt

Step 2: Apple Inc. buys Iceland and rebrands it iCeland (a fully-owned subsidiary of Apple Inc.).

Step 3: iCeland is relaunched by Steve Jobs at Cebit 2012 as the "Next Cool Thing" ("it's got built-in Ice, ho ho") and shares in it skyrocket despite no real difference between the old and the new products.

...all iCelanders get free iPads, iPhones and iMacs and live happoly ever after.

iWantOne InLove

Wailing across the sea


The following snapshot comes from the giftshop of the Swedish National Museum of History (http://www.nrm.se/) which we visited the other day.

Personally, I couldn't agree more.... STOP THE WAILING! Devil

I suspect they also had albums by Bob Marley and the Whalers but we unfortunately didn't stick around long enough to find them.

Ísland+EU==Ekkert Cheerios

Hafandi búið í EU-landi í 7 ár þá get ég bent á allaveganna einn neikvæðan hlut sem EU-aðild hefur með sér.

Cheerios er með of mikið af járni miðað við EU-staðla og er því ekki leyfilegt að selja það í venjulegum verslunum í Svíaríki.

.... s.s. aðild að EU myndi þýða að þúsundir Íslendinga þyrftu að skipta um morgunmat Woundering

 Kannski þess vegna sem dömurnar á Blóðbankanum voru alltaf svo ánægðar með járngildið í blóðinu hjá mér þar sem ég borðaði Cheerios á hverjum morgni í yfir 25 ár LoL



mbl.is Eva Joly: Ísland á að ganga í ESB
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Icelandic Politics

To clarify the political situation for my non-Icelandic friends who keep asking me "What's up with Iceland?", I've put together a short list of the current political parties and a summary of what it looks like each of them stands for.

 I've been living abroad for some years now so some of the names may not be 100% accurate.

Ósjálfstæðisflokkurinn - X-Douh!
The name says it all - main agenda seems to be already accomplished after 12 years at the wheel.
Yes, of course it was a pure coincidence that those companies "donated" 45 millions right before they magically got their problems sorted out through political pressure.  Why would anyone connect the two?... Honestly?
See The Legend of Robbin' Hood.

Brandarahreyfingin - X -Ha
Seriously - who believes you're going to disband the party once you reach your political goals?  I did however like the guy on TV that said "Hanging on to the Icelandic Krona as a currency today is like owning a summer cottage in Chernobyl", he's getting my vote.
You had me at Chernobyl!

Skammfylkingin - X-Ess
Not really sure about this one - seems to be some sort of extremist middle party with an identity crisis that had gotten tired of being in the opposition and grabbed the chance at the last election to abandon their political principles in exchange for a couple of seats on the government.
They've somehow managed to dodge all the blame and association with the current crisis, even if they were a part of the last government.
Lie down with dogs - You get fleas

Skrílræðishreyfingin - X - Á
Mr. Crazypants himself leads the celebration but there are a couple of indians missing from the canoe - You don't want to meet those eyes in a dark alley late at night.
Has everyone really forgotten the SMS scam from a few years back where an attempt was made to trick people into donating money?
I'm not a crook - Richard Nixon

Vinstri Glærir - X - Ææ
Has probably the only political leader in Iceland that still has a general vote of confidence from the nation.  I never did like him as a sports reporter though, too much focus on fringe sports.....we want football, goddammit not horse riding and ice skating!  Vote for them if you don't like strippers.
Me love you long time - Full Metal Jacket

Farsóttarflokkuinn - X-Bee
Yet another party with an identity crisis - all the farmers moved to Reykjavik and became bankers.
Also got substantial amounts of 'donations' from companies which needed favours.  It's also a complete coincidence that said favours were delivered shortly afterwards.
Also spent 12 years in government until they were backstabbed after the last elections, which was probably their biggest political break in retrospect as nobody now seems to blame them for the current crisis.
Money, Money, money....must be funny...in the rich man's world - ABBA

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Ingólfur Arnar Stangeland


Ingólfur Arnar Stangeland
Ingólfur Arnar Stangeland

Íslendingur og Svíi áður í útlegð í Stokkhólmi en nú í Reykjavík.


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