20.6.2011 | 08:44
How to solve Icelands economic problems in 3 easy steps
Step 1: Iceland goes the same way as Argentina and defaults on foreign loan repayments and declares itself banktrupt
Step 2: Apple Inc. buys Iceland and rebrands it iCeland (a fully-owned subsidiary of Apple Inc.).
Step 3: iCeland is relaunched by Steve Jobs at Cebit 2012 as the "Next Cool Thing" ("it's got built-in Ice, ho ho") and shares in it skyrocket despite no real difference between the old and the new products.
...all iCelanders get free iPads, iPhones and iMacs and live happoly ever after.
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Ingólfur Arnar Stangeland
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Uppfært á 3 mín. fresti.
Happoly is like Hapily - only more so....it's like Poly Happy!
Ingólfur Arnar Stangeland, 20.6.2011 kl. 08:45
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