15.4.2010 | 20:43
AGS frestar lánafyrirgreiðslum vegna síendurtekinna eldgosa á Íslandi
Að sögn Dr. Geerhart Keingeld, talsmanns AGS í Póllandi er um að ræða viðbrögð við eindregnum brotavilja Íslenskra stjórnvalda gagnvart alþóðlegum samþykktum um losun gróðurhúsalofttegunda sem brjóta klárlega í bága við bæði Kyotosáttmálann og líka hitt draslið sem var í Kaupmannahöfn í fyrra en enginn skrifaði undir.
Herra Keingeld afhenti líka eftirfarandi yfirlýsingu varðandi málavexti:
"We have repeatedly expressed our concerns to the Icelandic government concerning that they have not done anything to stop this constant volcanic activity from spreading. In spite of that, no steps have been taken by the Icelandic authorities to reduce the risk of an eruption of cataclysmic proportions which would no doubt also spew out dangerous gases into the atmosphere.
This is simply not acceptable and the Icelandic nation must accept the responsibility for their own volcanoes and act immediately to make sure that no further eruptions take place.
The first steps would be to acknowledge that the ash being spread around the world at this point is in fact Icelandic in origin and that it is the responsibility of Iceland to clean it up or fully repay any efforts by foreign governments to clean up said ash.
Barring any response from the Icelandic government we will have no option but to view this as a terrorist activity - and then you'll have more than just Now Now Brown Cow and his Darling to deal with.
Thank you.... IMF out!
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Ekki svo galið blogg, Þetta er af http://www.guardian.co.uk
" 11.22am:
The seriousness of the situation has been brought sharply into focus by Conservative party leader David Cameron, who has fearlessly condemned the volcanic ash as it threatens to descend upon these fair British Isles."
Nú spyr ég, hvort á að hlægja eða gráta...?
EE (IP-tala skráð) 15.4.2010 kl. 22:03
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